As you can see from the above picture, the current issue of the BBC’s Sky at Night magazine includes a review of my book Cosmic Impact. It’s a really nice review, too, by Katrin Raynor-Evans – who says, among other positive things: “The text is superb … It is informative and clear, and May manages to encapsulate everything you need to know about the potential risk to our planet and species.” She gives it four stars out of five.
Cosmic Impact also gets four stars from Brian Clegg, at his Popular Science book review site. Again the review has lots of positive comments, including the following:
This short book is ideal to get a good overview of the subject without having to delve into too much technical detail – and May makes it approachable by giving the subject context from the many science fiction and popular culture scenarios … where something hits the Earth from outer space.
Finally, although I haven’t seen it myself, I’m told I got a very brief but favourable mention in New Scientist, in the issue dated 2 February 2019. It’s in the “Don’t Miss” column, under the subheading “Read”. After recommending the Penguin Book of Outer Space Exploration to “armchair adventurers” they go on to say:
But if hiding under the sofa is more your style, try Cosmic Impact: Understanding the Threat to Earth from Asteroids and Comets by Andrew May.
If you want to do just that, you can find it in any good bookstore or via the following Amazon links:
- Get Cosmic Impact from Amazon US
- Get Cosmic Impact from Amazon UK
Postscript 10 May 2019
Another excellent review in the May issue of How It Works magazine – this time with a five-star rating: